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People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Permanent Mission of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland

History of Algeria

History of Algeria



Middle Paleolithic:
Aterian Civilization (sites of Bir el Ater, south of Annaba, and in the Nementcha at 70 km south of Tebessa, to the extremity of djebel Onk).

Ancient Neolithic:
Sites of snail shell mounds near Constantine and in the Sahara: Capsians were escargot eaters.

Recent Neolithic in Sahara (humid):
Brilliant Civilization (engravings and cave paintings of the Tassili n’Adjjer).

16th Century to 9th Century BC:
Probable descendants of the Capsians came into contact with " people of the Sea " and learned Aegean and Anatolian techniques: the Sahara became barren and empty.

Carthaginian Period, Kingdom of Numidia and Roman Period
  • About 1250 BC :Arrival of the Phoenician and foundation of the merchant colonies of Hippo-regius and Utica.
  • About-510 BC :Treaty between Rome and Carthage, Rome recognized the commercial monopoly of Carthage in the western Mediterranean.
  • From 348 BC to 306 BC :Commercial Treaties between the Punics and Romans.
  • From 264 BC to 146 BC :Punic wars (264 BC to 241 BC/ 218BC to 201 BC/ 149 BC to 146 BC).
  • 3rd and 2nd century BC :Kingdoms of Numidia : Syphax, Massinissa and Jugurtha
  • From 111 BC to 105 BC :Jugurthine Wars between Jugurtha, king of the Numidians, and the Romans
  • 46 BC :Numidia became a Roman province
  • From 1 AD to 429 AD :Romanization of North Africa
  • From 429 AD to 430 AD :Invasion of the Vandals
  • From 533 AD to 646 AD :Byzantine Conquests of North Africa
The advent of Islam
  • 647 AD : Arrival of the Arabs: Led by Oqba Ibn-Nafaa;
  • From 776 to 909 :Rostomid dynasty
  • From 908 to 972 :Fatimid Dynasty
  • From 972 to 1148 :Zirid dynasty
  • From 1007 to 1152 :Hammadit dynasty
  • From 1052 to 1147 :Almoravid Dynasty
  • From 1121 to 1235 :Almohad dynasty
  • From 1235 to 1556 :Zianid dynasty
Ottoman Period
  • 1518 :fight against the threat of Spanish occupation, Kheireddine Barberousse placed Algiers under protection of the ottoman Sultan of Istanbul.
  • 1534-1587 :Reign of the "Beylerbeys" (23 Beylerbeys took power).
  • 1587-1659 :Reign of the Pachas (about 40 pachas took power).
  • 1659-1671 :Reign of the "Aghas"(about 4 aghas took power).
  • 1671-1710 : Authority of the deys-pachas (11 deys took power) Algiers withstood English and French aggressions (1678,1680,1682,1688).
  • 1710-1830 :Authority of the Dey (18 deys took power, the latest was Dey Hocine).
French colonization
  • June 14, 1830 :Disembarkation of French forces on the coast of Sidi Fredj.
  • July 5, 1830 :Signature of the agreement of submission by the Dey of Algiers.
  • 1832-1847 :Resistance of Emir Abd el-Kader who made his authority recognized on the center and the west of Algeria as the Algerian State.
  • 1830-1848 :Resistance of Ahmed Bey in the East of Algeria.
  • February 26, 1834 :Desmichels Treaty concluded between France and Emir Abd El Kader.
  • May 3, 1837 :Treaty of Tafna concluded between General Bugeaud and Emir Abd El Kader.
  • 1846 :Revolt of Benacer Ben Chohra in the Center and the Southeast of Algeria.
  • 1845-1850 : Revolt of the oasis of Zaatcha and Zibane conducted by Sheik Bouziane.
  • 1851-1860 :Revolt of Cherif Boubeghla and Fatma N'soumer in Djurdjura and in Kabylia​
  • 1864-1884 :Revolt of Ouled Sidi-Cheikh
  • 1871-1872 :Revolt of Hadj Mohamed El Mokrani Boumezrag and Cheikh El Haddad
  • 1877-1912 :Revolt of the Touareg in the Hoggar under the lead of Sheik Amoud Ben Mokhtar
  •  1912 :Creation of the “Movement of the Algerian youth”,(in French :“Mouvement de la Jeunesse Algerienne) directed by the émir Khaled.
    Creation in Algiers of “The association of the Muslim Students of North Africa”( in French: “L’Association des Etudiants Musulmans de l’Afrique du Nord”(A.E.M.A.N.)
  • March 1926 :Creation in Paris of “ The North African star”,( in French: “l'Étoile Nord Africaine”) by El-hadj Ahmed Messali
  • 1927 :Creation in Paris of “The association of the North African Muslim Students”,( in French “L’Association des Etudiants Musulmans Nord Africains -A.E.M.A.N.F)
  • May 5, 1931 :Creation of “L’Association des Oulamas Musulmans” by Sheik Abdelhamid Ben Badis.
  • March 1937 :Creation in Algiers of “the Party of the People of Algeria”,( in French: “ Le Parti du Peuple Algerian P.P.A) by El-hadj Ahmed Messali.
  • 1943 :Ferhat Abbas presented to the allies in WW2 the “Manifesto of the Algerian people” requesting the equality between the Muslim and European communities.
  • May 8, 1945 : Massacres of Sétif, Guelma and Kherrata, about 45,000 people killed.
  • 1946 : Ferhat Abbas created “The Democratic Union of the Algerian Manifesto’) In French. “l’Union Democratique du Manifeste Algerien (U.D.M.A)
    El-hadj Ahmed Messali created “the Movement for the Triumph of The Democratic Liberties”(in French: “ Le Mouvement pour le Triomphe des Libertés Démocratiques (M.T.L.D)
  • 1947 :Creation of “the Special Organization”. (in French : “l’Organisation Spéciale)
  • November 1, 1954 :Starting of the Algerian revolution.
  • September 1955 :The Algerian issue placed on the agenda of the U.N.
  • August 20, 1956 :Congress of the Soummam and Creation of the “National Council of the Algerian Revolution “ ( In French : le Conseil national de la Révolution algérienne C.N.R.A.) and “the committee of coordination and application ” (In French: le Comité de coordination et d'exécution C. C. E)
  • September 19, 1958 :Creation of the Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic. “ in French: Le Gouvernement Provisoire de la Republique Algerienne (G.P.R.A.)” presided by Ferhat Abbas.
  • August 09, 1961  :Benyoucef Ben Khedda became the 3rd President of the Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic.
  • March 18, 1962 :Signature of the Evian agreements between the F.L.N. and the French Government.
  • March 19, 1962 : Proclamation of the cease-fire.
  • April 1962 :Installation of the Provisional Executive in “Rocher Noir” (Boumèrdes)
  • July 01, 1962 :Referendum on self-determination, (99.7% in favour of independence).
  • July 05, 1962 :Proclamation of the independence of Algeria.
Independent Algeria
  • September 20, 1962 :Election of the first constituent assembly.
  • September 25, 1962 :Proclamation of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria.
  • September 29, 1962 :Constitution of the first government of Algeria.
  • October 08, 1962 :Admission of Algeria to the U.N.
  • May 08, 1963 :Adoption by referendum of the first constitution of Algeria
  • September 15, 1963  :Election of Mr. Ahmed Ben Bella to the Presidency of the Republic.
  • April 1964 :Adoption of the Charter of Algiers by the 3rd congress of the F. L. N. (National Liberation Front)
  • June 19, 1965 :Creation of the Council of the Revolution presided by Mr. Houari Boumediene.
  • May 07, 1966 :Nationalization of mines.
  • February 05, 1967 :First local election (A.P.C (Municipalities) and A.P.W. (Provinces/Regions)
  • May 1967 :French army left the bases of Reggane and Bechar.
  • February 1st, 1968 :Withdrawal of the French army from the naval base of Mers El-Kebir.
  • February 24, 1971:Nationalization of hydrocarbons.
  • June 27, 1976 :Adoption by referendum of the National Charter.
  • November 19, 1976 :Adoption by referendum of the second constitution of Algeria.
  • December 10, 1976 :Election of Mr. Houari Boumediene as President of the Republic.
  • December 27, 1978 :Death of President Houari Boumediene.
  • February 07, 1979 :Election of Mr. Chadli Bendjedid as President of the Republic.
  • January 13, 1983 :Reelection of Mr. Chadli Bendjedid as President of the Republic (2nd term).
  • October 05, 1988 :Protests in several cities of Algeria.
  • November 03, 1988 :Adoption by referendum of the revision of the Constitution
  • December 22, 1988 :Reelection of Mr. Chadli Bendjedid as President of the Republic (3rd term).
  • February 23, 1989  :Adoption by referendum of the fourth constitution of Algeria
  • June 05, 1991 :Proclamation of the state of siege.
  • January 04, 1992 :Dissolution of the People’s National Assembly (Parliament).
  • January 12, 1992 :Resignation of President Chadli Bendjedid.
  • January 14, 1992 :Creation of the Higher State Council (in French :Haut Conseil de l’Etat -H.C.E.) under the presidency of Mr. Mohamed Boudiaf.
  • February 02, 1992 :Declaration of the state of emergency.
  • February 04, 1992 :Creation of a National Consultative Council.
  • June 29, 1992 :Assassination of the President of the Higher State Council, Mr. Mohamed Boudiaf.
  • July 02, 1992 :Mr. Ali Kafi became President of the Higher State Council.
  • January 30, 1994 :End of the Higher State Council, Mr. Liamine Zeroual is designated as Head of State.
  • May 18, 1994 :Creation of the National Council of Transition (in French: Conseil National de Transition).
  • November 16, 1995 :Mr. Liamine Zeroual elected President of the Republic.
  • November 28, 1996 :Referendum on the fifth Constitution of Algeria.
  • June 05, 1997 :Pluralist legislative election.
  • October 23, 1997 :Pluralist local Election.
  • September 11, 1998 :Mr. Liamine Zeroual announced early presidential election.
  • April 15, 1999 :Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika elected President of the Republic.
  • September 16, 1999 :Adoption by referendum of the Law on the civil concord.
  • April 10, 2002 :Constitutionalisation of Tamazight (Berber Language) as national language.
  • May 30, 2002 :Second pluralist legislative election.
  • April 08, 2004 :Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika re-elected President of the Republic.
  • September 23, 2005 :Adoption, by referendum, of the National Charter for Peace and Reconciliation.
  • November 12, 2008 :Revision of the Constitution of Algeria.
  • April 09, 2009 :Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika re-elected President of the Republic.
  • April 17, 2014 :Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika re-elected President of the Republic.
  • March 2016 :Revision of the constitution.
  • 22 February 2019 :Start of the peaceful popular movement (Hirak).
  • 2 April 2019 :Resignation of President Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA.
  • 12 December 2019 :Election of Mr. Abdelmadjid TEBBOUNE as President of the Republic.
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